
Kathryn R Blake
Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Erotic Romance
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- Member Since
May 2020
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
23 August
- Profession
Kathryn writes the kind of stories she enjoys reading where the heroes are dominant, alpha, extremely protective males paired with heroines who pose a constant challenge to them. These men do not suffer defiance or disobedience lightly. Even so, as heroes they aren't infallible, and they do make mistakes, but love and respect will always triumph in the end.
Since Kathryn enjoyed writing romances at a young age, she joined RWA in the early 1980s. In addition to writing, Kathryn enjoys traveling, reading, attending the theatre, and is a passionate lover of animals, so much so that in 2015 a stray cat adopted her. The stray now sleeps in Kathryn's bed. She has also recently taken up the expensive hobby of making and selling jewelry.